Now normally I would be embarassed about yesterday.. But no… take it for what it was..
Welcome To Tuesday December 21 2021, its an amazing day to be alive, in right mind.. Festive week is upon us where vast amounts of people are purchasing, I hope that youre in the purchase. lol. Seriously though, I like when everyone is happy and merry.. I always hoped the feeling could feel like that year round. Excitement for new possibilities, new opportunities, new friendships, new relationships, new journals to fill, new stories to write, new love to experience.. You know how that go…
Attention can be addictive too…
Love Authentico..
I would hate to give someone attention while im trying to secure some major plans, and the person that I give attention too.. makes me look bad. Real Talk
Inhale, Exhale… Opens eyes, Close eyes pause… Meditate… Affirmations, Visualizations….Tap into that spiritual intuitive place. Fix day on goals.
Good Morning, Perspectives… East Coast/West Coast Experiences.. Gym Emails, Shared minds, Commentator Voice, God Food, Sharing of the Exes, M Cycles with man/woman voices… Personal thoughts shared with alot, Personal Visual experiences Recapped.. Show up and buy U’d. Super GU stretch pants I never wanted to take off, bought in paradise… Moments of passing by of real people at 19th and Northern… The Marvelous Meticulous examing you on down to your imperfections. Squinting of eyes, afraid of season twos E Euph… DOs the Dollar not 99 not enough trees. Old story of Mes… Spending, Congratulations to my man Pays, New day Centering Self… Full Moons, Sensual sunrises… Alignments, unpaused
Not too bad for a monday…
I do a good job of not telling exactly what happened the entire time i was over there..
but over here.. they perfume.. lol. all the ones ive acted with.. smh.. each one with their own story … I hope your day went well, with all of its stories and experiences…
I cleaned out my deleted and recycle bin..
i was done when someone else faced showed under my name. lol.
An amazing day today is, regardless of the rain… ‘
That was interesting.. once you get past the lies, you find out there is a monthly service fee. That was not showing on the account.
recapping while re experiencing, familiar moments, sweet smells, reminisce of people who played a person mused by other companies who make money off of them.. Feel like hurl(throwup).. lol
If we all star acting like the same people, who is acting like who?
I think im not the funny friday one, my dry comedy be like, “brewtea is her name” greentea matcha with coconut milk plz.
My comedy be sarcastic, but with real life examples of mused moments… For example. whenever my posture was bad, and was sloppy.. Grandma would say ” Just imagine what you would look like naked sitting like that” ..
That used to straighten me up real quick.. at the same same time, Ads for etiquette for ladies show up…
*Buys.. weeks worth of Naked smoothies for week detox..*
As my favorite part of the night leaves (clouds)…. #4:00am-5:00am and old coworkers start getting ready to leave work. Direct Deposits Hit. When the dream isnt too crazy.. When someones favorite female man, stops experessing his thoughts in my dream
Structured thoughts and mature actions. I was thinking of a way to convey the idea of being able to develop mentally at an early age. As where you learn the things you should learn, along with the opportunity to experience more than the normal/regular experiences such as standardize structure of repetition. Childhood, sometimes people say its a time where they get to be a little reckless, and learn. Child hood to me, is a period and time where you can absorb as much adult content and not be held liable for all the consequences. The ideal childhood, filled with action and experiences so you can mess up early in life, and learn everything before being of age where experiences becomes, monotonous, boring and methodical.
Do you remember the many days of using your imagination to have fun? Nothing but an empty back yard with a bar-b-que pit and some child hood friends…. But with imagination.. became this alternate universe the world of Og, where we’d go on adventures day to day, rescuing and exploring. With all the grandma tales, of late those moments where at auntie and grandmas I could watch all the scary movies and enjoy. lol Those small moments little but also appreciated. Life is short so i was appreciating those vicarious experiences shared between little me’s across the country.
Now, onto adult content…lol. Sometimes when you get a lot of attention at once, the focus is on continuing what you are doing so that you can get the desired result for the task at hand. Also, a survival skill is to be safe when the levels are aligned… So to say different frequencies of energy are powerful when they are in sync.
So much stuff be happening in the small moments of time when everything is aligned.
But anyways .. Dream big, think big, live present, And maximize time with actions that lead to results…
What time is the geminid meteor shower tonight?about 2 a.m.Geminid meteor shower: When to watch at its peak Although the moon will brighten up the sky and make it harder to see the Geminids this year, astronomers say from about 2 a.m. to sunrise, no matter your time zone, will be prime viewing time.
**Random Thought**
Glad I am not in love with something everybody always wanted.
Felt the need to put a positive image of myself in my phone.
yeah, imma get on those gym goals soon ..but for now, this whole plantbased eater journey is enough info itself… til its detox time….
Positive info 101… Make Your Attitudes Your Allies Attitudes are mirrors of the mind, they reflect thinking. When our attitude is right, our abilities reach a maximum of effectiveness and good results inevitably follow.
two of three attitudes… i m not writing the 3rd one til i can consistently do it myself
The attitude of “I’m activated” Results come in proportion to enthusiasm invested. Dig in deeper when you find yourself disinterested in something, learn more about it. This sets off enthusiasm.
Always try to have energy; your smile, your handshake, talk and walk. Act alive. Always broadcast good news. No one will ever accomplish anything positive telling bad news.
The attitude of “You are important” People do more for you when you make them feel important. When you help others feel important, you help yourself feel important too.
Practice appreciation. Practice calling people by their names. Don’t hog the glory, invest it instead.
Set your goals high, exceed them…
-Think and dream creatively -You are what you think you are -Make your attitudes your allies