February 27, 2023

2023 no leap year..

Dividends….patiently waiting for… Other stuff

Congrats on awards…

Oooow different account…

Let me tell u bout the acting career… And who’s everyone else’s misses…

The show like somebodies old team name….. Which is the same names of those casting sheets…..

Everytime on set… The variations were always interesting…

Loved head… Was background for one those jumanji movies…. He was from louisiana..

The only myself

February 26, 2023

most of the swelling has gone down.

And my skin is soften ing back up..

It was good to be in communications with yal again… Even under weird circumstances…

Long day to day was….

Do you ever hear me and I sound like a man?

Um… Ive gained so many valuable profitable skills … In these last few months…… Outside of sales..

February 23, 2023


When u catch that feed of like 15 people on vacation at one time…

Truly a great a feeling.. But anyways…



Look away….

Look away…

Umm excuse me..

Music plays.. “Hold on to the light”… (The sped up fast version) from the tv show appearance

February 22, 2023

ok.. Light hearted day…

So let me tell you what it be like when your body used for those sports games….

Points clinched…. When restroom moments … Or when holding in that internal air.. ANd somebody scores…


Two months…. And counting….

I stopped wanting to post indoor photos when.. IC left. The conditions that her body was going through … Erotic nerve something …

well thats that…

NNow… Pay attention to the point when youre about to get to that REM sleep… Are they talking to you … Because im tired….

Imagine what it would be like to be in a relationship with me…

You stare into my face before sleep…

And dream about conversations we coulda had while we were awake…

We can read books in our dreams and learn things..

We can play all the instruments and have perfect pitch

February 20, 2023

imma jus chill today…

and watch cloudy skies…


wait til… oddities and curiosities convention come to your area..


for one day… everyone else was distracted by all the other situations to try to make those annoying i need to bother you people try to bother us…


but that was all gone when i text somebody..


the next day and that damn girl … that couldnt inform everybody why she wasnt there kept bothering my personal air and mind space…


you wanna talk about why i dont have stupid ass numbers in my phone.. meet people who got them phones that make everybody sky cloudy with them old ass stories.. them iphones jus as bad as facebook.. with all them old ass memories from 2010…
