Month: December 2023
“Last Month of the Year Formally Known As December” 29, 2023
may you have a prosperous 2024.. may every dollar you earn make you feel good about being alive… may more money… in your possession assist with making more money… that leads to you achieving goals and dreams… every dollar you earn is never a burden.
last time that ichecked, buffalos were not bulls..
im ok being on first name basis with people… its better than titles.
as sand through the hour glass… so are the days of our lives.
felt good to be intune with myselves… so that I think… so that I am.
if I cant enjoy.. imma jus go watch renaissance again.
and drink c4 energy drinks…
my blog aint booboo.
“Last Month of the Year Formally Known As December” 28, 2023
to gets…
…exercise trampolines…
Due to its low impact nature, a 10 minute trampoline session can burn the same amount of fat as a 30 minute run. That’s up to 1,000 calories an hour. Making it more effective to hang up your running shoes and pull on your favourite trampolining socks.
“Last Month of the Year Formally Known As December” 27, 2023
gay snacks
“Last Month of the Year Formally Known As December” 26, 2023
yal are usually nicer …. but on this it was raining profusely… in the qc … and I was legitimately scheduled off… no call/no show… does not equal PNC/PNSU…
you know… that diverse generation tries not offend each other…..
they try they hardest sometimes to tell me how racist some snacks are…. just jump on into a bowl of plain yogurt… I jus don’t eat crackers as much… stock on snacks like crackers is low…
bruhs always wanna talk about they founders…
musing wise… this passport… says we can only go to Caribbean’s…
after they done mused Italy and rome over and over… this last several months
Haiti’s, South americas, take a nigga to jamrock and not shamrock…
egypt to brazil
in our own narratives… the enemy might look in the mirror and see his own complexion.
“Last Month of the Year Formally Known As December” 25, 2023
2024… if December is mental prep time..
New Year is like a fresh start.
tax refunds…
new opportunities…
juice cleanses..
full gyms….
im patiently waiting another 2 weeks..
gotta find a new protective hair style.
“Last Month of the Year Formally Known As December” 24, 2023
relaxing 24th…
the grind/hustle don’t stop… night before christmas and 1 food truck still open.. 1:30am in the morning
notes from the 25th…
Color purple Rain… Color Purple rain….
if I only could have known that seeing some people walk around wearing red .. would have been so traumatic internally… instead of gray…
when everybody show up and argue inside of self at theatre..
“Last Month of the Year Formally Known As December” 23, 2023
“Last Month of the Year Formally Known As December” 22, 2023
“Last Month of the Year Formally Known As December” 21, 2023
bowels and image
what u color offended?