how miserable that must be… every text message i text you… sassycomplaints post ig directly to your mind.. #wackasfuck
what else is @#wackasfuck.. how they acting like the SIRIUS XM stations is family names(first letters).. theykeep buyin stuff off amazon and seeing what letter combination come in delivery.. thats mean as hell for people who keep wearing yellow.
i walked out the door, and the air played “africa”.. loud.. concert band setting..
Like walking around with ya own themed music..
anything else you got to complain about when im not TEXTING YOU?
SOmeone went shopping in opposites… Every complaint the people post or complain about is theyre own caveats, issues reflected back at themselves.

they got digital images mentally man in store.. Showing me 5 second reactions of people faces mentally..

im not complaining.. I know its a hard transition… where the… do the 99 cent stores are changing to dollar treez..
lol.. Dude running down the block SA looking like Cidade de deus panther.. in real life.. letting em out..