24, March 2024

Should I… Find my logins for instagrams from the past?

when they fall off instagram to look a likes in real life its.. really interesting to witness.

Ya know, i feel a whole lot better now.. Now that.. we not getting email specials in mind..

and that my old business, ex’s, moms, arent all getting to be the same person..

do know how frustrating it is.. for yal wanting to be the same person about one of my businesses..

but ok back to relax…

smiling faces and happiness.

each digital image… a whole lot of data… I think i relearned how to play Richard Strauss’ Concerto No. 1 by hart again…on dbl horn

and yes, i remember… aint it hart power there…

ive been trying to get tomoboost of my account… today was Teneka Bulls Bday… my dp, in Tau Beta Sigma NHBS.. niggaz sorority cant neva do shit… its always a nicca trying to become women.

Niggaz wish he was a rit…

cant even like blue & white with a touch of gold..

cuz we care too fucking much what we do…



liberty ship kept getting to close..

no offense

Marathon Runners told on rest and recovery.. from Lactic Acid(also city tell on body)

same lactic acid … that skaters had recovery from..

we got Duke ..energy

NeedHusbands… when we was on..line.. NeedHusbands to do it all.. couldnt come..

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