October 5th, fif.
Aint it funny.. zoom.
I have a lot appreciation for my creative feelings, that I have a lot of. 🙂
Even your imperfections be making others money.
That was positive.
Hope all that red dont show in dream like resident evil lol.
why is it that… somebody else always benefit while im under scrutiny and review.
Why is it like that? Got bills due. Real Bats.. Trying to be positive, with all this rare stuff. While people act like i dont exist. Awards show. All that red. Clouds in sky. Pee on the ground. Can I sponsorship if I give you premissions to access my files?
All that red, CSX’n
Personal Facebook Company.
Somebody wanted to know what it was like foreal .. Let me express… Its Like dreaming of looking at magets until you hit a deep rem sleep for days on end. Its like, eating red tomato sauce in pasta with cayanne pepper while watching blade three. Its like mounds of human manure all over the city. Its like takeout/carry food placed at the water faucets of large buildings all over the city at intersections of streets. Its like paying for your stuff to get other money. Its like crying for justice but only getting done wrong for being completely honest. Its like throwing chocalate candy bars and eggs on hot pavement whenever someone posts pictures on social medias.
All because someone cant stop. What it feels like though.. Terrible headache and Chest Compressions
If someone wanna do mission impossible on me for yal be intrusive, will you be around to keep me safe?
what does intrusive mean?