
***I just dont feel confident in putting letters in my title space anymore.. ***

IF you have facebook, do everybody a favor one day and click add or remove for all the people requesting to be your friends… Trust.. People get tired of being there and being told on.. and watch your world change from ruining those peoples lives.

Now that the MEAC tournament purple is almost over.. and YAHOOOooo done updated..

idont know why my blog gotta have discrepencies with unloyal voices..

SOo.. a few days of having to think about which and what songs made the 2000’s decade, a stand out, musical decade..

they say there wasnt that much of a clothing/style change for that time.. but the songs, are we acknowledging enough , for that being about 20yrs ago..

does my blog still talk to the minds and heart of humankind when i post… i dont know?

we shall see …

i want to tell you so bad how good it feels to eat food…

but i also wanna tell you about how good it feels to Orgasm… (not to be confused wit oracle) so i promote shegasms

i think everybody should feels those daily.. you dont need gateway drugs… jus good ole.. Out this world Orgasms.. ok..

I choose not to wear gray that much because when i go out in public all the computer systems start to update /9software updates)or have gliches.. lol


Love Yourz…

Always look forward…

Shouldve Couldve Wouldve the past

aint nothing like the present…

And the future is always to be written.

tell me… since I had a clothing brand that clothes.. any brand get on my nerves. any brand in a photo tell a stupid story.

im fine with being naked so clothes wouldn’t brand.

my key been broken ever since they thought it was Ashley only last name… and FB only go to jail on Ashley for years on ever since…

but any ways ask me whats dope… being in alignment for progress and no back steppin… personal net worth growth. increased value of credit limits… housing portfolio….


Pause For

Purple Bags

Purple Lights

Purple God

Purple Queens

Purple Things

Purple Everything

Purple Share



2023 december 25…. Navy Blue Tesla days… I went on a trip to fayetteville and saw a movie while there… It was a very special musical that allowed for alot people to be employed. I enjoyed the experience of watching the movie …. Although ive become very depressed when I had to explain to someone what the movie was about… and said for time purposes id rather not have my career depict the story of she was jus not happy in her life in that movie…

I didn’t want my life to mirror the story… so…

whenever I feel like I am wasting time… I jus start writing scripts and songs…

My script challenge… lately really has been … focusin on not drama but… the possibilities of what could good…


  • inthe midst of awards and everything else .. glad we made it thru
  • I do believe … that… sometimes… unplugging and turning off is ideal… we all need a moment off every now and then..


turn ya phone off…. when you think about calling when it’s not an emergency… and its not to talk about being in love

clear ya cache

log out of all apps

don’t share storage with apps if you got interesting*(nudes or images of pores or rust) images in your phone
