Sincerely Carmy Nights


Title: “Streets of Character”

Setting: A small, quirky town with streets named after famous personalities.


  1. Albert Einstein Ave – A curious inventor always pondering life’s mysteries.
  2. Frida Kahlo Blvd – A passionate artist who sees beauty in everything.
  3. Martin Luther King Jr. St. – A charismatic speaker, rallying for justice.
  4. Cleopatra Ct. – A confident and commanding presence, always in control.

[Scene 1: Albert Einstein Ave]

The camera pans to a busy street where ALBERT is adjusting a peculiar invention.

Albert: (mumbling to himself) If I can just figure out this theory of relativity…

PASSERSBY stop to ask questions, intrigued by his work.

[Scene 2: Frida Kahlo Blvd]

FRIDA is painting a vibrant mural on the side of a building. Locals gather, captivated by her creativity.

Frida: (to the crowd) Life is a canvas; paint it with your dreams!

The crowd cheers, inspired by her passion.

[Scene 3: Martin Luther King Jr. St.]

MARTIN stands on a small stage, passionately speaking to a diverse audience.

Martin: (gesturing) We must stand together for justice and equality! Our voices can change the world!

The crowd is moved, joining in chants of unity.

[Scene 4: Cleopatra Ct.]

CLEOPATRA is organizing a community event, effortlessly commanding attention.

Cleopatra: (smiling) We’ll host a festival that celebrates our town’s diversity. Everyone is invited!

Her charisma draws in enthusiastic volunteers.

[Scene 5: Town Square]

The characters gather in the town square, sharing their ideas.

Albert: What if we combine our talents for a festival?

Frida: A celebration of art, science, and unity!

Martin: Together, we can inspire our community!

Cleopatra: Let’s make it a day to remember!

They all nod in agreement, excited for the collaboration.

[Scene 6: Festival Day]

The streets are alive with art, science exhibits, and speeches, embodying the spirits of their namesakes. The townsfolk enjoy the vibrant atmosphere, reflecting the personalities that shaped their streets.

[Final Scene: Sunset over the town]


Narrator: In this town, every street tells a story, each name a testament to the lives that inspire. Together, they create a vibrant community, reminding us that our differences make us stronger.

Fade out as the festival continues, laughter and music filling the air.


I feel like a transmutation… like Kim Killmonger Pregnant Mutant…like I wanna throw up or hive out

Week Of homecoming nsu…

next on how to pimp a collegiate student..

why does it matter so much then…? all the band people always post collegiate marching band photos during the week of homecoming… its like look… it’s that time of the year when my fellow alumni/alumnus post photos of themselves when they were not so rich/employed versions of themselves on Facebook…My main gripe is normally… alotttttt of them never comeback to homecoming or dont like how they really felt being unemployed during that period of their lives.. so its not fun as it seems…. becuz it mirrors birthday…. like imagine everybirthday you posted your baby photo from you came out the womb… I’m jus saying…

if Quinton was alive…. insert “OMFG” why don’t they post they were having fun at homecoming photos…

like foreal is yal in alumni band or what…

school loves employed alumni dollars…

and naw… we outta smile movie..

wearing red belike they all need something from every person wearing red… its like red god..and everybody dont have they own ideas unless it come from red. I rarely wear red.

Gray… old memories…

vivid memories of 98 spring … Cass Tech H.S. Marching Band playing” I’m your Baby tonight… memorable Elton Roxanne Keisha johnathan…

dont you hate that “invasion of the bull shit” (I mean body snatchers) start happening with your work, outside if work , friendships, families start happening… like I know you aint had a conversation with someone you stole from mu life to start saying his lingo around me…

so… when you wish mommy and daddy was an issue we was not movie-ing we was talking bout your girlfriends not our momma.

but its Monday.. and this jus my blog.

i dont even kno anymore… wishyou coulda stole niggas holydays for yaself.. type of bullshit…

niggaz in love with allergic reaction convo.

break break outtttt.. niggas keep on breaking me on owwwwt.

little half red. st jude.

last week aggie bullsmiths.. smile.

yeah when mine is taken out context… I say… “act like God and shut tf up”

carmens relaxations

soon much red…. rare outta body experiences… rare almost gag..rare homecoming experiences..rare someone feel like pregnancy.. rare look at myself nekked cuz I’m attracted to myself… rare get to my weight goal 20 craps in the toilet… rare dreams with reds ..all in 4 hrs..

good job tho

the experience unmatched ,finda blood

Carmen’s Relaxations…

Good Song For When C’s on the money talk about Charlotte.


Boy, I want you to listen closely to what I have to say
‘Cause this is the way to my heart

[Verse 1]
You’ve been wondering how you can make it better
Baby, it’s easy to turn my world inside out
Your discovery will take us to another place
Baby, on that, there is no doubt
I’ve been waiting for the special moment
Anticipating all the things you’ll do to me
Make the first step to release my emotions
To take the road to ecstacy

You gotta go downtown
That’s the way to my love
Take it round and round
Oooh, you can’t stop ’til you find my love
Go downtown, To taste the sweetness
Will be enough
That’s the love that you’ve been dreaming of

[Verse 2]
Keep on doing, doing what you’re doing
‘Til you feel the passion burning up inside of me
If you do me right
We’ll be making love all through the night
Until you uncover the mystery
Take it nice and slow
Baby, don’t rush the feeling
Now you know how you can make it happen, yeah
My desire is begging for the healing
Let me guide you down to the place to be


That’s where I keep the key to my love.
(To my love)
It opens up the door to so, so much more.
(So, so, so much more)
Baby, move on down, get closer
To my sensitivity.
Ooh, yeah
Baby, send me.

[Repeat 4x]

(Ooh you can’t stop till you find my love)
Baby don’t you dare stop
(That’s the love that you been dreamin’ of)
That’s the love you’re dreamin of
(Ooh you can’t stop till you find my love)
Don’t you stop
(That’s the love that you’ve been dreamin’ of)
That’s the love you’re dreamin of

[Chorus & Ad-lib Until Fade]

Carmen continued relaxations…

the month of October…

70years of excellence..

I desire for others to speak life, success, progressive over the greatness…. that we all desire in all our activities and goals…

I don’t desire… murderous analogies use to fuel motivation…

cuz only I saw how one block of people who look like themselves almost blow themselves away…

also… its normally not a boyd paying id b.

Rip young king .. demarion bailey.

better sales analogies…


Happy Monday

I didnt get any sales today… as I was reviewed and ask questions that wanted….probally the best answers…

here are my best answers…. glad theres a limit on selling pain for use…

they use to give us phantom pains for when otherz wore baseball caps… or gave pains to you when you used your mental powers… where in certain environments they cant handle your mental.

she was like brain cancer real roz and lyric chanel. respectfully I never wanna feel their pain again…… like a power episode fight end with a pain to the temple real… I started smokin/eatin cbd when it would hurt.. don’t remember who I was with.. still upset we consider it illegal for high level…

I wish my Monday coulda been used for myself to make me better…

skiff email got shut down like the movie strangers … my credit gurus were in there…

the questions I asked after…. over use with cloud repair male with tight eyes… was why is .. the credit report used to muse or make way for ficticious people to memictate… the situations or people that may or may not be true …

like Exes perian… Red Equal Fax… trans gender experiences..

you dont know misery or Experiences… till all the Exxon gas station talk about all the women on periods… or bitch red males.

Guess Its Time to Post again…

  • we will try this out for a few days…
  • A week of the most interesting stuff, things, experiences, progress, look back forward, alignments, check from 4 years ago..
  • days of … over messaging about making sure you register to vote… like damn… I got like 20 messages on numbers nobody knows…
  • national days of… enjoyment… peace… atonement… weekends of …
  • so many affectionate days of birth in the past week.. I wanna hug you.. you.. you
  • Monday…minds… Whitney Houston…
  • Hurricanes with Stacy…
  • ambulances with cities..
  • alzhimers run next weekend… hopefully no rain.. shout out to grannies for good fights..

so next month… imma jumpstart my fitness… mission.. and end december with fitness and an extreme detox…

I like eating food so for november its the tasty things I enjoy while pushing my body to the limits… with adequate recovery time…

With also maintaining my physical training I’m going to detox…with liquids for the first 10 days of December… then do the juicing/smoothies for the latter 10 days… then back to solids juices like normal…the last 10 days.. I think I can swap some fat with some muscle..

Click my link below

Link to my Tree

ya know…since letters on bills gotta be conversations… I’m spending a couple of $20.00 pink coochie s and getting change back a $ 5.00 queens ear and ass

atm ran out of pre coochie bald money … and went pre Hall money…

pardon… a lil frustrated… NASCAR day

pardon Columbus day tomorrow spent. banks clothed

awesome job landing rocket!!!

and right when the Lions win against the cowboys….

and when awkward wasnt enough…. lol

lets coochie drip with sheOrgasms

nooo post your content in moderation… there’s nothing like getting accents from all over the country… while public speaking

that content shit be llike….

you can post everyday and may or may not make any money….

but if you post everyday they gone give away everything you ever desired to some hoe female or hoe male…

they aint jus eating… they livin yo past careers current and get all sorts of bogus calls to ya cell phones throughout the day during ya productivity hours…

somebody post so much they jus talk about them passcodes…

post to dam much hoe friendship throwaways