DECEMBER 15 2024 December 16, 2024December 16, 2024Leave a comment vintage… misty and cloudy camera lines
Clothes wearing days December 10, 2024December 10, 2024Leave a comment and it’s been raining outside ever since…
What’s the weather like in Capetown this time of year? December 6, 2024December 6, 2024Leave a comment sometimes roadtrips and campouts be necessary…
Charismatic Wonderful December 5, 2024Leave a comment 1 G[7.6] N[3] od[1][3][0][2] e_f_d_p[85] a_e_f[0] c_p_n[20] BS S(8)B(80)S(0.000000) FM0 CR0 Prmid2 mxDrkA0.00 mxBrtA0.00 mxPkNSat3.28 dr0.00 br0.00 wdr0.00 wbr0.00 sbr0.00 ldr0.00 lp0.0 [f0] 000000000bfalic 00000