May 31, 2023

They say 1 million should be easy to obtain…

What attention do you need when you say something that s not true on…

I jus need a week away from all yal wish yal the same lame look like ex’s….

they dislike she a happy lipstick lover..

move there be a come up lookalike ex niccas city

Not enough grieving about tina… And living it up… To much somebody amazon product err.

Everytime I get an increase In my credit limit someone start trying to fire people…

I dont know wwhat the fuck it ttakes to become rich…

yal still in love with my prior Nips…

gray flower on tv… All I get when i want special.

You wanna know euphoria… Shift in the street.

I aint jealous of nobody and don’t look for hand outs…

Why do they always gotta tell on those child molestations

Welcome to 40…. Everybody seem like a hater. And we didnt go to the military because ayantee people act like they real dawg… And mused the way we free..

how do achieve success… When they wish they your own urine. Or vagina blood.

they want me to go work for the company… That get them family men of mine to die.

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