hello.. power in the word… upon repeating a convo.
so… story time.. i really dislike getting emails in my aol account… i only seem to get one particular cwa union email every month… from overweight comedic man.. so lets time travel back to the one week that I actually worked for them… i had to take the train from one end to almost the other end of the metro az area… in the midst of this, by the time that i’d get over to the building… the whole city rearranged how we were working, and what they wanted to parellel with other experiences in my life. so much so they made it seem like some other man was me for real, and that they didnt want me to work, like by the time i got home my apartment complex was going through major war shut down.. (during covid too) didnt get work there after i spend 2 dollars for a train ticket and went to work with some nickles in my pocket.. seems as if riding the train system wanted to act like it was taking me to east coast…
and when everyone was wilding out in the neighborhoods imaginary stressed out load, talking about how much they needed me i said stop..(i was on lunch break) when i came back in the building my computer was locked out like digital man didnt want me to work for them, and the rest is forgotten because they play by their own rules…and i kept running into old twc co-worker look alikes… but anywaysz…
everytime get emails from this cwa union… all the fat guys with red shirts like to show like they all needed to be tear drop red …die cwa union and like no other color matters…
several times.. red grimace done ruin gigs.. since they use that company to talk so damn much… somebody went off on fat ass kelsey beast at uncc and he didnt want me to comeback … although i was transforming the campus with that product Z was pushing… 7 days isnt that bad, i hadnt really been home… i figure.. my feed was gonna tell on how much those women vibe.. but thats not that bad..
i jus started watching tv again this month…
jus enough to notice where, the people are merged and mused into reall tv..
reciprocity a bitch sometime..
its always ok to be single… because somebody always cheats with the fat guy who cant remove nobodies name from the damn email chain …when we was working with president to relay the information he wanted to express… tell me if u liberated..
she gone always love the fat guy.. jus make him lose weight
yep.. she gone cheat with a fat guy, with a stubby..
and my nicca gone recipicate with that breathing issue because she was on cruise and got off work and froze in the car.. all the while.. his fat ass wanna be my uncle in the damn photo too. shortin his name to hers with an h at the end..
prehaps.. we wouldnt had snow blizzard if it wasnt for them emails…
walmart done stressed me out with the popcorn tin with the picture of all those dogs with stars on their santas outfits…
and its not like im focusing on the situations..
i was hype the other day though… tag came on tv… although i didnt watch it all the way through.. all my pink and yellow and white flowers show on the tv..
i understand if i dont talk to some others for a while.. because im tired of talking to u through your bowels with my mind.. and having someone mad because i urinated at they house.
if i always talk about how fat they are its because… they made all them jail movies … that always wanted them mugshots from people that were fitness trainers who didnt mind telling people they were fat…
welp, expression this evening…
the smallest wording of expression… hoping that it doesnt ruin my opportunities..
what if … expression is creation.. thats a burden to heavy to hold.. most of the time i would jus rather communicate to be understood…
aight.. well back to my detoxification…