Happy Weekend
deep fog.. fuzzy hair..

Glad, i didnt have to take any of that personally..
He always a track…
pricey Will tell on…
we been digital for a long time… myspace.com, blackplanet.com…AOL…
digitally.since 94′..
and when it rains… how many wore fish caps lol
throw it back.. sausage… i had a funny story about going to the grocery store… Grocery store got the 40 ft long meat section of all things meat products animal … unmonitored… But theres a camera right on the 5ft long section for impossible meats, mostly bratwurst.. and patties.. like thats the one area that they wanna know your image when up the impossible brands. lol
when eagle gets to talking theres no off switch
im glad theyre all on tour for tomorrow..
build a business.. get an llc,… when it makes enough… corporation…make a lot many.. sell parts of organization.. or sell organization at its peak…
i was taught.. take care of self first.. and then all else would fall into place…
I want everybody to drive through nc and see all the roads tho…
the best part about living in different states…. not having to get faked by those local…
dont nobody got exes…if everybody always a drink..
bout to do a cleanse though… 10 day detox… somebody niche was a doctor doing colonoscopies.. intense intestines..