texas has to be one of the biggest states in the united states… truthfully… so many birds with long legs… kept going left in front of my vehicle while traveling east on i 20

maybe i have a learned alittle bit from the credit guru’s and now am ready to shoot a film with my low budget.. business credit..

one of my aunties got me on them peaches and cherries diets.. lol
ohk… since all these strangers showed up…

patiently waiting for this week to be over with… patiently waiting for the good updates…

anybody feel like playing french horn?
ring.. ring.. hello,
i am on my way to help you out with your vagina…
… i didnt really get to go to skathon… yal was doing too much …
This is health month… Stay safe, eat, healthy, get money, stay inspired,,, cause next month we talk about ta ta’s
…well i enjoyed hearing yal.
to bad someone tried to play songs on my thoughts while yal were expressive