
Pause For
Purple Bags
Purple Lights
Purple God
Purple Queens
Purple Things
Purple Everything
Purple Share
2023 december 25…. Navy Blue Tesla days… I went on a trip to fayetteville and saw a movie while there… It was a very special musical that allowed for alot people to be employed. I enjoyed the experience of watching the movie …. Although ive become very depressed when I had to explain to someone what the movie was about… and said for time purposes id rather not have my career depict the story of she was jus not happy in her life in that movie…
I didn’t want my life to mirror the story… so…
whenever I feel like I am wasting time… I jus start writing scripts and songs…
My script challenge… lately really has been … focusin on not drama but… the possibilities of what could good…
turn ya phone off…. when you think about calling when it’s not an emergency… and its not to talk about being in love
clear ya cache
log out of all apps
don’t share storage with apps if you got interesting*(nudes or images of pores or rust) images in your phone