
All this talking in skylines and conversations, brown clothing and cars.. Makes me miss … Quinton, Turquoise, Uncle Tommie, James P3… Grandma Betty, Grandma Pauline,Cuzin Connie

SincerelyInLove with Clothes, Stock Photo Models, Letters on Money That Go in banks and Brands…

Think with me…

So myself a person that is private… for various reasons… discerning… witnesses things where documentaly, it could be a cookie cutter type of situation… but me … an out of the box individual… notices the breach of information… decides not to share irrelevant information to an investigator because all my new data gets mined for individuals belonging to a corporation im working to create this fictcious environment where I’m not meeting my sales goals…. in order for me to find Streets that help align the situation with the story… equals north carolina…

yep. I’m private. but due to me being information technological professional…. I know who you are before I meet you and I aint never gotta google you..

because… I’m one of the best .. foreal… whatever tho…. moving along… military. no problem… security clearance investigator…. now why do I gotta remember someone to contact about Arizona… all remember is sage and she already a street here… all we need is a future saying stop focusing her..


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I think the date was around August 15.. or something like … when I took photos of the bikini and my self wearing…

as soon as uploaded to the internet… I started to feel miserable with fake bites… and I havent been the same since…

I gave up when TJ came and the kids get hives… and I went to the urgent care r they said imaginary muthafuckas a quarter that wanted us to show real at the urgent care look a likes… while I had hives.. to get a shot in the ass… and go home with no resolution only to get bill to pay more… I dont have anymore money..

I really don’t like feeling other peoples health issue..

i didnt eat much for a whole month cuz i was trying to find out my trigger… with foods..

topical… somebody got a thyroid issue… somebody got ” I’m always a man who dont help you make money issue” when im paying bills and give all yo secrets to make everyone else money…

I jus want out of that shit aint never fair… for alot of years..

digital love = swells where tattoos are…