Disneys Friends…
Today..sunday .. 2nd week I woke up with phantom ive been crankin on a mellophone fat lip in recovery. It’s brothers born day anniversary…
it’s a popular weekend…
I believe in being able to succeed… while you exist too.
I went to the post office with the nice brown skin complexed bald man to the equipment out.
and I told myself. For everytime I get a message that toontals instrument tried my debit card for the instrument that has been returned. I will publish digital content of some sort. Because you know what? I matter too. not them little ass kid look alikes on the website… or pale Dr. who wanna repeatedly say they were white uncles everyday.
so… imma affiliate the f outta everything if I gotta have all things special subtracted from me because they start telling lies about that company 4 times a day.
So first things first… if we using my mind to go back to 2009… to 2015
I like gold.. from mints you dont gotta monster…
on IG, I like lookin at rich parents that look like a hungry Martin Luther King..handle complex social issues with their kids…
working out, exercising is attractive… you know whats unattractive… wanting antanique story told all the time and you hate working out…