Carmens Thoughts… on now

i don’t know what they trying to accomplish.. well you can count on me to keep the validity and integrity of what that said is… me in the gym… does not have to be come someone else’s edible environment…

lets keep the photo here… I got a few thoughts on some things ….

20 truths and 1 dare

  1. picked up brothers book figured I read it.. (Simon sinek- start with why) #redletteredbookcover
  2. My observation is sometimes certain individuals tend to link their past traumas to their current futures with old situations.. so When experiencing new moments they feel they need to olden / taint a pure new moment.
  3. I got some land in Gaylord Michigan… its always interesting paying taxes on the property… or getting mail about Gaylords…
  4. I gotta crush on something on Instagram thats tn and its not the state or the shoe..
  5. I liked wnba All-Star weekend
  6. Jacquelyn “Dr Neuro” bday was the other day…
  7. so…. what happened…. ive gotten to understand some of those truths told to people with dementia, ww. (she give real mind love) also… those who are dyslexic…. and like lil nephew who is autistic…
  8. money… letters abcd… often get tired of being munipulated like money in real time life ….
  9. what if wearing shades of grey didn’t make people become other peoples bills, digital coding errors, wtf is this the matrix real life? wheres Everett? Bass Pro Fishing…
  10. Bunch of special born days are this week. imhappy youre still alive.
  11. I was too busy in motion…. to tell you why cerf/surf was in area talking…
  12. smoking on Saturday tuned me in with all the “you know” in the city…
  13. Sometimes the environments get real “brand” sensitive…. like f!* the name of every bottle water brand..expecially the ones that’s purified water brands (teaspoon of baking soda and tap water)…
  14. I’m still working on my own traumas… like… I always remember that qurishift that was an audit about the glad plugins. or roachtraps . the week before NAACP… long time ago..
  15. theres this brand of anti roach plugins now… that I didnt learn about til bout a year ago… them “Bell howell” … and you know stupid company try to tell swbust letterz like personal people names… and you know we know each other like our self.. daddy and brother. cuz we like like that foreal.
  16. last week was like dont think to hard you might yourself someone else
  17. this week… like… nah you jus lying… cuz they mad at the letter L.
  18. Tuesday I went to this one house… and they lady at the house saw me and called me “BJ”…. i was like …. “Oooooo….” yal messing with the wrong people.. sweet old lady probably got dementia…
  19. One of my favorite warrior half heads went off inside.. felt good to connect for a moment… since the nothing making sense anymore since Dr Phillps trip to Miami Beach..
  20. still gotta find out where my moped is… I bought that cash…insured too.. it caught a short when I was riding it… in the rain… it was as if I was about to go get it and they started broadcasting my thoughts to them brand companies that wish they were the people… and took what I needed. ( my have been collected by the man who kept it company) I think he was homeless or the impound..

1 Dare ..

  1. Go an give appreciation physically to all the people you love, enjoy, affection in real life… there are so many distractions.. an most of the distractions forget that we all people trying to enjoy the opportunity of life as they are and feel good being acknowledge in life,living…

all the people wearing gray should drink red bull.. if yal treat it true…. you might jus be able to ruin the person in front of you

sincerelytrauma…. blue and gray wearing lebonese male.. tick tick tick tick boom.

Carmens Thoughts on July 20 2024

Let me tell you.. Driving through the different cities, and being in tune mental with all the stuff on the earth is interesting.. Thats that one Credit card.. i dislike when those special things get mixed up with the grosses stuff of life ever.. LIke… the grosses stuff only talks about gross stuff.. meanwhile.. knowing exactly what you are thinking in every environment as soon as i get close enough is something else.. stay clean… that maticulous stuff can get burdensome for even the nicest, neatess person.. Hope yal had fun..

everywhere there was a dead roach… nigga could mind in the area..

Carmens Thoughts on July 18 2024

that lie terrible.. where my creator at.. how you steal belief… ain’t no purpose to nothing…

stolen concept … figment of imagination thief

wtf is real …if real is fake?

somebody said a fake ass man.

I’ll never meet some people ever… because somebody can lie belief.

Idont even care no more. imma jus pay my bills … aint no family no damn letters on no damn bills

Iam retired from he wish he was food, trash, her phone, cartoon images, paintings, a color ball, letter god, just donate all the fake gods

nope he wish he was self confidence..

he wish he was an affirmation I said to myself to make motivate myself…

yeah delete all text messages voting campaign…

did I tune into destiny.

throw a champion away… I wanna make. a lot of money..

I wish they weren’t older peoples incontinent…

I was thrown off too.. How you lose that one piece of mail for a whole month…

Jus throw Adrian away.. we will still be friends … that haven’t seen each other since 2017… he not momma, daddy, uncle, cousin, and we can’t keep saying he wish he other men.

cloud of confusion..

Jus throw that shit away where when I get to close you .you dont exist

somewhere all navy blue teslas getting towed away. and stamping it queens

well don’t ask me nothing because I gotta find out who stole my paid for bike

they sound stupid … traded stupidfalloutshelter for they real someone else

Excuse me mr look like someone who jus died that looks like b pruitt… can you help me find my moped?

can you help them deliver my new license without subtracting things ive earned from my past

can I receive my state tax refund…

how many people gave you something you needed without stealing what you needed?

said he was a roach… wouldn’t even let me like my own license plate or middle name…

lets us choose one day to get a PayPal card and wipe

lets us all take a day and throw trash from circle k away. away from where it matters.

area ..

roll over in your grave 30,000 times…

jus like when a wrinkle in time was out… they jus kept saying kids went missing foreal and lying

do you know how long they been hating on interracial couples and calling it “best”


stay sober.. mental fortitude …

no smoking… no drinking….

it’s a jungle inside of the people ya never know how long they personalities gone last in other people.

anybody want a free washer and dryer?…

made image upset in my phone about the brand’s…

leave the city or stay in the house type weekend…

they put PA in the atm… of its somebodies license plate letters.. and the app program….and the state abbreviations shall I go on.. to the people?

its good to know you love angels the same…. penisless

I was already upset when they wanted to eat Cass Tech and callem Chicken Tenders… Like cicley