15, March 2024

Yal so fucking beautiful.. pretty… nice.. cute…

big unc bday.. lol a whole bunch red cars do his in the city..

NSU Basketball – Sparta!!

and RITC night 2…

i gotta Ibprofen, shilajit, biotin, juice… and cbd…

prolly eat some quinoa, (tricolored)

welll… since its raining now…
i liked yesterday alot…

and i dont have anything to do with the rain..

Whenever…. R has feelings C… feels like being pregnant for years in a row.. never ask us anything…

nope… look imma be riding moped… for another month.. I need a gig making at 75K foreal… my name is Carmen Renee Hibbler

add 3 zeros behind the amount the womens team made in pointa

a shit say…stop fuckin playin with me..

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