Today like yesterday at one with many things and people.
Kids talked most of the night
Woke up to a blessing at the same time as the earthquake.
Noticed phone was set to Spanish sentence spoke with Spanish accent and changed it to english… Back to normal
Had to use the bathroom… Sounded like.. wish he was a cuzin but about my love interest face …. Across the skyline.
Emptied bowles…. Then complaints about who was working in whos retail store bothered my being …
Saw male that looks like an Background actor that acted with me in honey … But also looks like neices boyfriend…
Ate breakfast…. Put air in the tires… Your billboards amazing… At one with emails and the phones at this point…
Drank a hiyo… Eye God loud .
//insert loud letz ruin relationship about what someone likes
Somebody bothered niece …heard her voice as I went to my first set of doors this morning….
Had to urinate…. Heard madeas voice from skyline… Pee-pee”d
The closer I got to retail stores the more they had conversations about what we were saying about new money….
Likes alot conversation… Deletes its photo confusion
Work meeting….. Everyone one of my close contacts communicated with me right before … Via text and in air loudly.
Later on the kids in neighborhood communicated with me but not many of their parents were… They said some of my personal business to me and I knew we were sharing with local kids personal information.
Alot of brands with champions not the decision makers…
Alot of nos ( not energy drink) and knocks
Spent some money..
Did some deep stretching
fell into ig ball for clarity…
Feellllss like punching a alot..
FFeels like playing behold really loudly on the French horn… Pomp and circumstance on horn is like a whole bunch of dot-dot to the beat of the drum in key of the chord every measure ..
Feels like smoking or drinking or vibing to calm down…
Talked to helpful friend… Soothing to my soul…
Slightly annoyed about that whole vehicle license plate thing where they follow u around with initials of people u should know from work names…
Left.. Ate food to calm down… Left..
Saw that sag af some thing show a resolution… Good for yal.
I love you a lot.