Monday, May 9, 2022

now that the sky isnt creamy .. so hard to watch honest stuff like that … my whole environment changes offthe small situations.. I still can not watch the lion movie.. im grateful though
fine like red wine… visuals worth a thousand and more minutes in time
alph, they wonder what was missing, Arrah we about keep that private or no, put that at the beginning
rare’d lozenges, anti choke suppressant .. never worried about a nosey nasal decongestant
Do you remember that Simple Account? That was a career in itself.. so many stories… and travel, and gas station energy restructures.. jus swipe and go and never return, he would recolor the whole area…
so many stories… about random things…
since down memory lane… and since skyman called me bich….. after working in the freezer/fridge with all refridgerware dog women… its nothing spectacular.. we would jus look at each and change who we thought.. daily… and also sharing…
if you was pregnant, we was all pregnant and throwing up.
but anywho.. nothing like good expressions of thoughts..
my last random thought.. so you know the area is one of the top banking areas in the country.. we got this one bank.. Uwharrie.. so somebody always talking bout… you worring… or worrying u…
ok.. thats enough attention for today.