Sunday, Funday 13 2022
There’s this store i use to work in a few years ago that if I go in the breakroom and sit on one of the stools while sumone was in there I’d feel like a vibrator… The entire time, its a weird feeling… But I think about that when I think about my cousin. I know yesterday was his born day, and I know he is no longer with us. 2 weeks ago, they was using the money that would give him those attentions… So, dream world, had all those voices of ones that sound like him. It was an experience, but soon as I spent, I had all the angriest of whispers, and as I cried walking through one of the stores in the mall. I know we still some form of mourning, because that was my homie… He was the Love man, that yal always talk about.. I knew my cousin would be like, “its all love”, when he was in the hospital recovering for Lupus. Facebook be having all those people whos sibilings are no longer here wanting to hear the people that sound like they siblings … I dont think its a regular occurrence… Alll I remember cuzin would always have me feeling someway when he was in the hospital… Walk around feeling like a Vibe.. cause thats what he would do.. cuz its all love..
loving feeling..

do you know, i look forward to the trailer to “nope” … from superbowl day..