— The Goal Year 2022–

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Year of the two’s… pretty exciting so far..


i guess never ask if that is a woman… *shrugs*

new quarter rear situation.. masked as star…

*oh.. ten year challenge.. 10years ago those bank companies had gold and gray squares… me before all the mistakes.

Definitely focused forward though.

eye think eye love her too…

— The Goal Year 2022–

Monday, January 10, 2022

This episode of life in perspectives.. starring..

but foreal..

its always interesting the things we experience, that may not be general knowledge…

its powerful, the words we speak, the words we type, so sensitive when you are speaking to right the power…

keep the blood flowing…

rub your legs down at night … move the blood in your arms… from tip to shoulder.. rub and appreciate life.

inhale, exhale. exhale, inhale.

stretch in the morning, stretch in the evening..

–The Goal Year 2022–

Saturday Jan 8 2022

*Buck and The Preacher, was one of my faves to watch… Much respect to that man and the life of his work…. #oneofmyforealdope

Are we ready for today? One of those will stick soon.

Build/Gain 10 new genuine friendships…. …I dont tell my goals often.. but this is a sincere one.

–Goal Year 2022

friday jan 7 2022

So far, So fun?

love yal….

I was thinking that for next 20 days before someone gets their body cut… Lets do a gym challenge.. get some “veggen” protein powder, some creaatine.. lol.. the knife is so drastic. Increase the muscle mass coupled with the other stuff.. could possible get you the uncut result..

—The Ubiquitous Goal Year 2022—

Tuesday, January 4 2022

Let’s Get to these goals…

So, long time ago A year in a half ago i was curious about what this one credit union bank had in it when i was walking in a location not close to my home… i stumbled across the nl money… the money was in there when someones netflix show was doing well.. I need the same people the money is alie when it comes someone elses bank.. yal gotta know yal using people like that…(( but thats that… and not focus on that…))

Do you understand how much brain power it takes to focus when your whole team is in your head!

If we never had superpowers foreal I would never have to talk about it.

So realize what happens when we all align…

Now.. back to these goals!

*Stop telling and showing me how much you dont like african american / indian faces in pink clothes…*

them chunky african american women gone come wearing all pink clothing… and they all gone come walk in and leave

Stop sharing me with the bank and wondering whats wrong.. Dont play movies at the stores in the city.. we dont wanna play matrix.. we wanna make money

Inhale… Exhale..

Just adjusting to some stories around the mecklenburg area…
#blogquestion Why do they have to close the lobby for some of those dunkin donut shops?

#blogquestion How many people have been aligned with the dumpster company RJ?

#MoreTruth Stop telling on my interviewers with the money i get out of the atm

#whoops cant stare at those people who sell life insurance to long… I was just looking for a donor ..smh